Newest Repositories

springfield-fluent-updatemozmeaoGithub Action CI Pipeline to update Springfield's Fluent files git repo based on changes in the l10n team's repo
www-firefox-l10nmozilla-l10nLocalization of Springfield / (Fluent)
hotfix-intermediate-2018mozilla-extensionsHotfix for
fx-ml-trainmozillaUtility code and data to assist with training ML models for the Firefox AI / ML teams at Mozilla.
fredmdnMDN's next fr(ont)e(n)d
moz-xliff-lintermozilla-l10nXLIFF linter for reference content
fastly-billing-reportingmozilla-itSimple script to collect per-service usage stats from Fastly
psa-checkermozillaPod Security Admission command line checker
pdf.js.qcmsmozillaProvide ICC converters for pdf.js based on qcms
watifymdnCompile WAT to WASM with WASM
catalystmozillaCatalyst is a python project designed for analyzing and generating performance reports based on Firefox telemetry data.
ff-testmozilla-conduitFirefox repo for Lando testing purposes
argocd-extension-metricsmozilla-servicesAn Argo CD extension to enable visualization of metrics in Argo CD UI.
smart-tab-groupingmozillaCode for tuning Smart Tab Grouping models for Firefox
www-firefox-l10nmozmeaoProcessed l10n files for Springfield ( instances
JetStream3mozillaAn open source repository for the JetStream benchmark
tbpro-knowledgebase-issuesthunderbirdfor tracking Thunderbird Pro (Appointment, Send, Assist, etc) Knowledge Base issues
merino-rhomozilla-servicesFork of merino-py for migration
springfieldmozmeaoThe codebase for
birdbox-mozilla-language-portalmozilla-l10nA template repo for creating quick-to-deploy, on-brand, easily customisable, CMS-backed microsites - brought to you by your friends in Mozilla MEAO
awesomemdnA curated list of awesome things related to MDN.
crash-pingsmozillaThe crash ping website, hosted at
DirectXShaderCompilerFirefoxGraphicsThe source for Mozilla's fork of DirectX Shader Compiler.
test-repomozilla-conduitThis is just a test repo. blog
crash-ping-ingestmozillaCrash ping ingestion, including symbolication and signature generation.
midnightmozillaExperimental workflow for treeherder/local testing to github pages-based analysis
smart_searchmozillaimproving search experience
gaia-l10nmozilla-l10nArchive of Firefox OS app localizations (Gaia)
cgit-dockermozilla-conduitCgit runing on Docker with fcgiwrap and NGINX [mirror]
fxcm-bugsmozillaA dashboard to get an overview about the bugs related to credential management.
cryptofuzzMozillaSecurityFuzzing cryptographic libraries. Magic bug printer go brrrr.
cov-exampleMozillaSecuritytest repository for coverage reporting
cicd-demosmozillaRepository to contain example applications using recommended CICD tooling
mozilla-vpn-extension-l10nmozilla-l10nLocalization of Mozilla VPN extension
obs-sentrymozilla-servicesSentry management helpers for the Observability Team.
heroku-toolsmozillaVarious scripts & tools for administering Mozilla's Heroku account.
DidthisMozilla-OchoThe Didthis web application (archived)
performance-datamozillaRespository to hold various performance data that is hosted on the performance dashboard.
thunderbird-accountsthunderbirdThunderbird Accounts
FuzzManager-devMozillaSecurityA fuzzing management tools collection
rt-tb-regular-expression-scannerthunderbirdExperimental Thunderbird Support regular expression scanner
generic-contentmdnVarious pieces of generic MDN content
firefox-profiler-for-chromefirefox-devtools Firefox Profiler extension for Chromium-based browsers
asset-relocation-tool-for-kubernetesmozilla-servicesA tool for relocating Kubernetes Assets
remote-settings-ondemand-crashesmozillaScripts to ingest on-demand crash ids into RemoteSettings
artifact-registry-compressionmozillaCompress responses from Google Artifact Registry
pocket-androidPocketPocket Android app
monopacker-sbomsmozilla-platform-opsSoftware Bill of Material (SBOM) files for images created with Monopacker (
figma-variable-importFirefoxUXUpdates variables in a Figma file from the Acorn Design System
wagtail-localizemozmeaoTranslation plugin for Wagtail CMS
mozilla-type-familymozillaA collection of custom fonts for Mozilla
services-utilsthunderbirdShared utility modules for Thunderbird Services applications
smart_autofillmozillaAutofill HTML Tag Detection
smart_intentmozillaqueries to intent
ml-utilsmozillaMachine Learning utilities
translated-content-demdnExperimental German locale for MDN, aimed at German-speaking users that prefer to read MDN Web Docs in their native language
android-knowledgebase-issuesthunderbirdfor tracking Thunderbird for Android SUMO Knowledge Base issues
persona_driftMozilla-OchoMeasuring and Controlling Persona Drift in Language Model Dialogs
memtestmozillaA library for detecting faulty memory, written in Rust
ews-expthunderbirdexperimental branch of ews protocol
WebCompatManagerMozillaSecurityA WebCompat management tools collection
gcp-orbmozillaCircleCI Orb for common GCP-related CI commands
mtumozillaRust crate for obtaining the local network interface name and MTU towards a given IP address
settings-prototypeFirefoxUXPrototype for the Firefox settings redesign
bosque-extensionmozillavs code extension
mdn-community-logomozilla-japanthis is logo design for Japanese Localization community
pulumithunderbirdCommon Pulumi elements for use in Thunderbird infrastructure development
webext-schemas-generatorthunderbirdScript to generate the content of webext-schemas
multilingual-sentence-evalsMozilla-OchoA model benchmarking tool to compare LLM multilingual classification ability
formulaic-nodeMozilla-Ocho The official Node library for Formulaic
tf_authoritative_scannermozilla-platform-opsPerforms static analysis on Terraform files to detect the presence of specific authoritative GCP resources.
obs-commonmozilla-servicescode shared between obs-team repositories
streamlit-lwl-demoMozilla-OchoFor initial experimental, demo-stage deplyoment of a Streamlit app that lets users explore generating personalized learning materials with LLMs.
directory_cleanermozilla-platform-opsRemove all files and directories not in an exception list (in a specfic directory).
dawgmozillaData Access Workgroups (DAWG) aggregates workgroup definition artifacts into an unified view.
pre-commit-hooks-djangomozmeaoFork of some useful hooks for Django development
arestclientmozillaFuture home for the new agithub, how called arestclient
performancemozillaWeb-frontend for Firefox performance data.
services-uithunderbirdShared components for Thunderbird Services Vuejs applications
git-hg-syncmozilla-conduitGit to Hg Sync Service
thunderbird-l10nthunderbirdLocalized messages for Thunderbird
search-term-data-validationmozillaJob that validates our incoming search term data matches criteria for similarity to training data of PII model.
mdn-http-observatorymdnBackend for HTTP Observatory on MDN
copy-gcs-to-s3mozilla-servicesCopy files from GCS to S3 based on GCS events
rarimdnMDN's new build system.
webext-compat-datathunderbirdThunderbird WebExtension compat data
mars-telemetrymozilla-servicesMARS specific telemetry
tt-description-evalMozillaFoundationTool for evaluating descriptions of TikTok videos
try-highscoresmozillaINACTIVE -
snapshot-fuzzingMozillaSecurityCustom Agent and Tooling for using Nyx with Firefox
webext-schemasthunderbirdThunderbird WebExtension Schema Files
atn-archivethunderbirdArchived data from
client-toolchain-examplemdnDemo project for the MDN client-side web development tools tutorial.
adsqa-playgroundmozillaAds QA repo
cts-trackerFirefoxGraphicsTracking dashboard for WebGPU CTS conformance
fingerprinting-protection-debuggermozilla-extensionsThis is a Firefox extension to easily manage FPP overrides using checkboxes and troubleshoot websites. You can search, enable and disable specific targets or all of them at once. You can use the troubleshooting mode to quickly find out which RFP target is causing the breakage.
rise25-2024mozmeaoStatic site announcing the Mozilla Rise25 winners for 2024
phabricator-etlmozilla-conduitAn ETL for Mozilla's Phabricator instance
explainersmozillaExplainers from Mozilla contributors
REALISE-PerformancemozillaThe home for collaboration between Mozilla and the Research on Analytics and Intelligence for Software Engineering (REALISE) Lab to enhance the performance infrastructure.
comm-unified-l10nthunderbirdGit mirror of current release branches used for localization
rt-appointment-docdetectivethunderbirdroland's doc detective experiments
markov-chain-ltvmozillaLibrary for building and using Markov Chain models to determine LTV
webpush-fcm-relayMozillaSocialDEPRECATED - Relay encrypted WebPush notifications to Firebase Cloud Messaging.
dbus_hooksthunderbirdThunderbird implementation of ksni for the linux system tray icon
snakepit_tc_ansiblemozilla-platform-opsAnsible code to install Taskcluster on the Snakepit cluster
linux-sys-traythunderbirdThunderbird system tray icon for KDE and Ubuntu GNOME
wagtail-localize-smartlingmozillaIntegration between wagtail-localize and Smartling's API
docornotmozillaDataset and model to detect typed documents
fenix-triage-listmozilla-mobileA manually kept list of Fenix triageres and duty cycle dates
mozmlopsmozillaA utility for interacting with GCS in our model orchestration flows
moz-mlopsmozillaA tooklit for productionizing machine learning models at Mozilla.
distilvitmozillaimage-to-text model for PDF.js
checkvitemozillaweb app to curate a dataset for image-to-text
ethical-dilemma-cafe-blueprintMozillaFestivalThe Ethical Dilemma Caf is a public space where individuals are invited to take part in installations, participate in discussions, and attend workshops that explore the pressing ethical issues surrounding the use of personal data today.
thunderbird-notificationsthunderbirdIn-App notifications for Thunderbird
pdf.js.openjpegmozillaProvide a jpeg2000 decoder for pdf.js
recomp-metricsFirefoxUXMetrics for the Reusable Components project, forked from projectfluent/
mobile-test-priority-messagingmozilla-mobileA Slack monitoring/message high priority messaging delegation application specific for the needs of the Mobile Test Engineering team
ews-rsthunderbirdA Rust crate for interacting with the Exchange Web Services API
fx-desktop-qa-automationmozillaAutomations of Fx Desktop release smoke tests
gfx-accomplishment-timelineFirefoxGraphicsA generated timeline of Platform Graphics accopmplishments
compositor_colortestFirefoxGraphicsTesting utility for finding out how WCG (wide color gamut) and HDR (high dynamic range) colorspace conversions are handled by the desktop compositor (Windows for now, other platforms in future)
moz-l10nmozillaPython and JavaScript tools for working with Mozilla localization files
hg-to-gitmozilla-conduitTracking for the Mercurial to Git migration
mozdbtmozillaMozilla dbt models
privileged-test-xpimozilla-extensionsA test privileged XPI for mozilla-central.
fxci-configmozilla-relengConfiguration for the FirefoxCI Taskcluster instance
mozilla-central-test-xpismozillaThis repository contains the unpacked test XPI files that we're using in mozilla-central.
ai-detector-evalMozillaFoundationCode published related to OSRI research on AI detectors
labs.mozilla.orgmozillaarchive of the mozilla labs website circa 2018
formulaic-pythonMozilla-OchoThe official Python library for Formulaic
fedifox-webextensionMozillaSocialINACTIVE - A Mastodon client built as a Web Extension for Firefox and Chrome
youtubemozilla-japan Youtube
openwebgamesmozillasource for the site
publicsuffixlistmozillaThe Public Suffix List
FenixFollowupsFirefoxGraphicsA repository that can be used to contact users from mozilla-mobile/fenix
qalendarthunderbirdEvent calendar and date picker for Vue 3
llama_indexMozilla-OchoLlamaIndex is a data framework for your LLM applications
design-systemsmozillaHub for information about Mozilla design systems
AutoGPTMozilla-OchoAutoGPT is the vision of accessible AI for everyone, to use and to build on. Our mission is to provide the tools, so that you can focus on what matters.
firefox-l10nmozilla-l10nLocalized messages for Firefox
AI-Intersections-DatabaseMozillaFoundationThe AI Intersections Database maps connections between AI impacts and social justice areas, and catalogs the civil society organizations, activists, researchers, funders, and others who are working to make AI equitable for all.
mlops-demomozillaA project to demonstrate the mlops recommended tools working together
langchainMozilla-Ocho Build context-aware reasoning applications
fdroid-thunderbirdthunderbirdThunderbird F-Droid repository
webcompat-dashboardmozillaWeb Compatibility Knowledge Base Next Generation Dashboard
thunderbird-l10n-sourcethunderbirdThunderbird source strings (equivalent of firefox-l10n-source)
consent-bannermozmeaoA cookies and analytics consent banner for Mozilla websites.

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